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WMLiberty More Info
FunctionsGeneralSetWMHandler, SetWMRangeHandler, WMLibertyVersion
MDICreateMDIClient, CreateMDIClientEx, RegisterMDIChildClass, RegisterMDIFrameClass


WMLiberty is a free and open-source project maintained by a small group of dedicated Liberty BASIC programmers. WMLiberty takes advantage of Liberty BASIC's advanced callback functionality.

WMLiberty was created in response to demands by advanced users of Liberty BASIC to allow access to the more advanced features of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Before Liberty BASIC 3 introduced callback functions (functions called by functions in other programs or libraries), WMLiberty was an impossibility.

When Liberty BASIC became 32-bit, it experienced a tremendous boost in execution speed. With this speed and callback functionality, many users assumed it was possible to go the route of a C program: registering a window class with a pointer to a window procedure, creating a window, and using the WindowProc to process the messages Windows sends. This scheme would allow Liberty BASIC programs to do "cool" things like dynamically-created custom controls and the Multiple Document Interface (MDI).

However, it was quickly learned that these were not entirely possible. Test programs did not process many messages properly. The root of the problem may be the volume of window messages that Windows normally sends to any window. If the volume could be turned down to a bare minimum, these problems should go away.

This theory drove the creation of WMLiberty. WMLiberty is able to take over a window's message processing, a technique known as subclassing. WMLiberty is given a window to subclass, a window message (or a range of messages), a pointer to a Liberty BASIC callback function, and a number that that message defines as success. WMLiberty stores all pertinent information within itself. Whenever a message registered with WMLiberty is sent to a window it subclasses, WMLiberty calls the associated Liberty BASIC callback function. All other messages are forwarded to the original window procedure for default processing.

Version 1.01 of WMLiberty added Multiple Document Interface (MDI) support. MDI applications use a different kind of window procedure from normal windows. WMLiberty provides its own procedures for Liberty BASIC programs to use indirectly. Programs using this functionality must register window classes for the frame (main) window and each type of child (document) window. WMLiberty provides functions to create the frame and MDI client. These function should be called instead of the standard Windows API functions because WMLiberty does some behind-the-scenes operations that make these calls interdependent. Child windows are created through Windows APIs.

Future possibilities for WMLiberty may include support for concepts like Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), the Common Object Model (COM), and ActiveX. If you have questions, suggestions, or want to help make WMLiberty better, refer to the contact information at the end of this document.


General Functions

SetWMHandler subclasses a window and sets up a callback function to receive a single window message.

CallDLL #WMLiberty, "SetWMHandler", _
    hWnd As ULong, _
    uMsg As ULong, _
    lpfnCallback As ULong, _
    lSuccess As Long, _
    lResult As Long

  • hWnd is a handle to a window, usually a top-level window.
  • uMsg is a window message, usually starting with _WM_. The most used messages are _WM_COMMAND and _WM_NOTIFY.
  • lpfnCallback is a pointer to a callback function. See Callbacks for details.
  • lSuccess is a value that the message handler returns to denote successful handling of the message.
  • lResult is returned. If the call is successful, it returns zero. If it returns one, the hWnd is bad, and so on for each parameter.

SetWMRangeHandler is very similar to SetWMHandler. It sets up a handler for a range of window messages. Although this need is rare, it can save typing.

CallDLL #WMLiberty, "SetWMRangeHandler", _
    hWnd As ULong, _
    uMsgLow As ULong, _
    uMsgHigh As ULong, _
    lpfnCallback As ULong, _
    lSuccess As Long, _
    lResult As Long

  • hWnd: See description under SetWMHandler.
  • uMsgLow is the lower limit of a range of window messages. See uMsg under SetWMHandler.
  • uMsgHigh is the upper limit of a range of window messages. See uMsg under SetWMHandler.
  • lpfnCallback: See description under SetWMHandler.
  • lSuccess: See description under SetWMHandler.
  • lResult: See description under SetWMHandler.

WMLibertyVersion returns the version of WMLiberty installed on a user's computer.

CallDLL #WMLiberty, "WMLibertyVersion", _
    lVersion As Long

  • lVersion is returned: 100 for version 1.0, 101 for version 1.01, etc.

MDI Functions

CreateMDIClient creates a MDI Client window.

CallDLL #WMLiberty, "CreateMDIClient", _
    dwStyle As ULong, _
    x As Long, _
    y As Long, _
    nWidth As Long, _
    nHeight As Long, _
    hWndFrame As ULong, _
    id As ULong, _
    hInstance As ULong, _
    hWindowMenu As ULong, _
    idFirstChild As ULong, _
    hWndMDIClient As ULong

  • dwStyle specifies the style of the MDI Client window to be created. Usually the only styles needed are "_WS_CHILD Or _WS_CLIPCHILDREN Or _WS_VISIBLE."
  • x, y is the coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the MDI Client window relative to the upper-left corner of the parent (frame) window's client area.
  • nWidth, nHeight are the width and height (in pixels), respectively, of the MDIClient window to be created. If either parameter is -1, that parameter will be interpreted as the same as the parent window's client width or height, respectively.
  • hWndFrame is a handle to a window created with a class registered by the RegisterMDIFrameClass function (See below.).
  • id is a number that should uniquely identify the MDI Client window in a program.
  • hInstance identifies the instance of a program that is associated with the window being created.
  • hWindowMenu is the handle of a menu, usually on the main menu bar, that has the list of MDI document windows appended to it.
  • idFirstChild specifies the command identifier of the first menu item appended to the Window menu. The MDI system adds up to ten items with sequential id's.
  • hWndMDIClient is returned. If it is nonzero, It represents a handle to the MDI Client window. If the function call fails to create a window, it returns zero.

CreateMDIClientEx, similar to CreateMDIClient, creates a MDI Client window with an extended style.

CallDLL #WMLiberty, "CreateMDIClientEx", _
    dwExStyle As ULong, _
    dwStyle As ULong, _
    x As Long, _
    y As Long, _
    nWidth As Long, _
    nHeight As Long, _
    hWndFrame As ULong, _
    id As ULong, _
    hInstance As ULong, _
    hWindowMenu As ULong, _
    idFirstChild As ULong, _
    hWndMDIClient As ULong

  • dwExStyle specifies the extended style of a MDI Client window.
  • dwStyle: See description under CreateMDIClient.
  • x, y: See description under CreateMDIClient.
  • nWidth, nHeight: See description under CreateMDIClient[.
  • hWndFrame: See description under CreateMDIClient.
  • id: See description under CreateMDIClient.
  • hInstance: See description under CreateMDIClient.
  • hWindowMenu: See description under CreateMDIClient.
  • idFirstChild: See description under CreateMDIClient.
  • hWndMDIClient: See description under CreateMDIClient.

RegisterMDIChildClass registers a class name that can be used to create MDI child (document) windows. After all windows of the class are destroyed, a program should call UnregisterClassA (User32) before exiting.

CallDLL #WMLiberty, "RegisterMDIChildClass", _
    lpClassName$ As Ptr, _
    style As ULong, _
    cbClsExtra As ULong, _
    cbWndExtra As ULong, _
    hInstance As ULong, _
    hIcon As ULong, _
    hCursor As ULong, _
    hbrBackground As ULong, _
    atomClass As ULong

  • lpClassName$ specifies the class name of a MDI child (document) window to be created with a call to CreateMDIWindowA or SendMessageA with the _WM_MDICREATE window message.
  • style specifies the style of the class being created. See Window Class Styles in the Windows API for a list of styles and their descriptions.
  • cbClsExtra specifies the amount of extra memory (in bytes) to allocate for this class. This storage is accessed using the GetClassLongA and SetClassLongA (User32) functions.
  • cbWndExtra specifies the amount of extra memory (in bytes) to allocate for each window of the class. This storage is accessed using the GetWindowLongA and SetWindowLongA (User32) functions.
  • hInstance identifies the instance of a program associated with the class being registered.
  • hIcon specifies the handle of an icon for the class. Each document type an application can display should have its own icon. If hIcon is zero, the window procedure draws a default icon. See also LoadIconA and LoadImageA (User32).
  • hCursor specifies the handle of a cursor for the class. If zero is passed, the program must set the cursor or let the window procedure do so. See also LoadCursorA (User32).
  • hbrBackground specifies either a valid handle to a window brush object or a _COLOR_ constant. Some valid colors include _COLOR_BTNFACE, _COLOR_WINDOW, and _COLOR_MENU.
  • atomClass is returned: Nonzero if the call succeeded; zero if it failed.

RegisterMDIFrameClass, similar to RegisterMDIChildClass, registers a frame (main) window class that can be used to create an application window that contains a MDI Client and document windows. After the main window is destroyed, a program should call UnregisterClassA before exiting.

CallDLL #WMLiberty, "RegisterMDIFrameClass", _
    lpClassName$ As Ptr, _
    style As ULong, _
    cbClsExtra As ULong, _
    cbWndExtra As ULong, _
    hInstance As ULong, _
    hIcon As ULong, _
    hCursor As ULong, _
    hbrBackground As ULong, _
    atomClass As ULong

  • lpClassName$ specifies the class name of a window to be created with a call to CreateWindowExA (User32).
  • style: See description under RegisterMDIChildClass.
  • cbClsExtra: See description under RegisterMDIChildClass.
  • cbWndExtra: See description under RegisterMDIChildClass. WMLiberty allocates four bytes starting at index zero to store the hWnd of the contained MDI Client window. Any additional space a program allocates should start at index four (GetWindowLong(hWndFrame, 4)).
  • hInstance: See description under RegisterMDIChildClass.
  • hIcon: See description under RegisterMDIChildClass.
  • hCursor: See description under RegisterMDIChildClass.
  • hbrBackground: See description under RegisterMDIChildClass.
  • atomClass is returned: Nonzero if the call succeeded; zero if it failed.


The callback should be defined like the following.

Callback lpfnCallback, WMHandler( ULong, ULong, ULong, ULong ), Long

The handler function usually looks like this:

Function WMHandler( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
    ' some code
End Function

or this

Function WMHandler( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
    Select Case uMsg
    Case some_message
        ' some code
    End Select
End Function

  • hWnd is the same as the hWnd passed to SetWMHandler or SetWMRangeHandler.
  • uMsg is the same as the uMsg passed to same.
  • wParam, lParam have different meanings for different messages. Refer to the documentation for the message for details.

WMLiberty requires some unusual program structures for an LB program. For one thing, certain LB statements must be avoided because they cause LB to execute a loop that cannot be escaped without human intervention.
Statements to avoid include:
  • Input and Input$(1)
  • Confirm, Notice, and Prompt
  • PopupMenu
  • Wait

If the message passes a pointer to a struct, then you must get the necessary members into local variables as soon as possible. This is because of the global nature of LB's structs. If you take too long, then another message could fire before the previous handler finished. This could cause the new message's values to replace the members necessary to process the previous message.

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