Conditional Operator

Selects one of two expressions to calculate because of a condition.


( If condition Then true_result Else false_result )


A Boolean expression
An expression. When condition is true, it becomes the result of the conditional expression.
An expression. When condition is false, it becomes the result of the conditional expression.


The conditional operator has a syntax almost the same as the statement If…Else. But the operator evaluates expressions, not statements. And parentheses (( )) at the start and end are mandatory.

When condition is true, true_result evaluates and its value becomes the result of the operation. Thus false_result does not evaluate.

But when condition is false, false_result evaluates and its value becomes the result of the operation. Thus true_result does not evaluate.

Usually, true_result and false_result must be compatible data types. But they can be different types if, for example, the outer expression can accept more than one data type, an overloaded method.


Function FootOrFeet(dist As Real64) As String
    Return (If dist = 1.0 Then "foot" Else "feet")
End Function

See also